Feminine embodiment coach and energy healer Amanda Louisa reading a book

Step into your Feminine Leadership...

with easy tips from my blog

If you don't know where to start when it comes to embracing your feminine power and leadership practice, you can find more information on the issues facing women in the corporate, government and social sectors in my blog. I share personal anecdotes and guidance to help you start your journey to fully embracing your feminine leadership style.

Meditation, Mindfulness, Spiritual Practice Amanda Joseph Meditation, Mindfulness, Spiritual Practice Amanda Joseph

F*#k playing by the old rules, it’s time to change the game

An American study found that women are still likely to be doing 4 hours of unpaid work at home, compared to men who are contributing on average 2.5 hours.

Yet, we, as women still expect ourselves to be hitting the home runs in the office and juggle our roles as dutiful mothers, daughters, wives. And for what, exactly?

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Meditation, Mindfulness, Spiritual Practice Amanda Joseph Meditation, Mindfulness, Spiritual Practice Amanda Joseph

Starting your spiritual practice

The trick with starting and maintaining a spiritual practice is to start small. If you’re like me, and you’re not a morning person, don’t set yourself a lofty goal to wake up at 5am. It won’t happen, you’ll feel like you’re letting yourself down when you hit snooze for the fifth time, and you’ll undo the work that you intended. Trust me. I’ve been there.

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Work with me

If you are feeling called to tap into your intuition and develop a deeper understanding of your purpose, allow me to lead you on this journey. I will guide you through the various tools and techniques I have learned, to help you heal the imbalance within your sacred feminine and masculine energy, and find your way back to your most authentic self.

Feminine embodiment coach and energy healer Amanda Louisa reading a book