You deserve to live the life you dream
I love synchronicities.
As I write this, it’s the anniversary of the day I had to leave Edinburgh. It was the midst of the pandemic.
I was unemployed, $20,000 in debt and being forced to leave a city I had thought I would spend the rest of my life in.
Edinburgh City. Needs no words.
I woke up this morning with dreams of Edinburgh and a sense of awe and nostalgia deep in my heart. I didn’t even realise that it was the anniversary of my last day there, until I saw a message from a friend on Facebook.
It was a Memory Reminder with photos of my last day when we had hung out and explored the city.
There are some places in the world that just call to your soul, and Edinburgh is that place for me.
I am more alive, more grounded and more wholly myself there than anywhere else in the world. The city and I just vibe. It’s love in a way that’s hard to explain unless you’ve experienced it yourself.
If you believe in past lives, I am sure that I’ve lived many there. I know the streets intimately. I feel safe and held by the city. When I breathe in the air, I’m filled with magic and a deep expansiveness that lights my soul on fire.
Even in the hardest, darkest hours, Edinburgh as a city grounded me in a way that is indescribable.
Last day in Edinburgh in 2020, exploring the city with one of my friends.
Rewind the clock to this time in 2016 and I had just returned from a holiday to Edinburgh. Another series of synchronicities had brought me there, and during that trip I met the woman who would change the course of my life.
She was a fellow Australian, travelling and living in London. It was on a day tour to Roslyn Chapel that we bumped into each other and over lunch she, and the friends she was travelling with, shared their stories. Each of them had taken the plunge and moved across the world to experience life in London.
Best of all, it was then that I discovered it was not too late, and I could still apply for the working holiday visa to move to Scotland.
Roman Wall in Scotland on the trip that changed my life.
Three months later, in February 2017, I moved from Perth, to Edinburgh, on my own with just one suitcase and two cats.
I didn’t know anyone in the city.
I didn’t have a job lined up.
I had no family there, no friends, no connections close by.
I had no idea what was going to happen.
And I was filled with a deep knowing, trust and confidence that everything was going to work out perfectly fine.
I wasn’t always this confident and grounded. This self-assured and intentional.
Just two years before this transformational trip to Edinburgh, I was in a toxic, emotionally abusive relationship.
My self-worth was at its lowest. The drama, manipulation and abuse had started to impact my work and health. Add to that, the place I was working at during this time was rife with toxicity itself. The work I was doing was soul-destroying.
I felt undervalued, unseen and I was going nowhere fast.
Landing in Edinburgh in February 2017 - and it hits me that I’ve actually moved across the world, alone.
What changed? What gave me the courage to throw caution to the wind and follow my dreams?
I did the self-work.
I dove deep. I faced the aspects of myself I had been shamed for, and had disowned.
I examined the unconscious beliefs that were running the show, sabotaging my decisions and my choices.
When we accept the crumbles life gives us, it’s because we don’t think we deserve better or that there is better out there.
Within two weeks of landing in Scotland, I secured an incredible job leading the World Forum on Natural Capital.
This was a global conference in partnership with the United Nations Environment Program, the Natural Capital Coalition, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and the Green Economy Coalition.
I was in the room with key decision makers. I was part of a team making a real difference in the world.
I was flow to Rome to pitch a partnership opportunity to INTERPOL one week and was in Brussels to discuss sustainable finance opportunities with CPIC another week.
It was incredible.
When I say doing the self-work is the key to shifting your reality, I say it because I’m the living embodiment of being a nervous, self-conscious, timid woman, who completely transformed.
It didn’t happen overnight, but I was committed to allowing myself to be the most fearlessly authentic and intentional leader I could be.
Doing the work grew my confidence in who I was, what I knew and what I could deliver. I was radiant in my sense of self and that was magnetic. Opportunities flowed. And I felt secure and confident enough to jump on them when they appeared.
Isle of Arran, Scotland 2019
I’ll be completely honest. When I was in Edinburgh I had only done the work to an extent. It took me hitting rock-bottom over there and losing everything, to truly commit which has brought me to where I am today
It took me seven years to untangle all the intricate conditioning that made me believe that I was not worthy of the life, the love, the career I had always dreamed of having. It was a lifetime worth of conditioning and deep-seated beliefs that I was not worthy.
So, every time I did manifest something that I wanted, my subconscious conviction that I didn’t deserve it would result in another traumatising loss.
I’ll tell you know, there’s no quick fix. There’s no magic potion. There’s no pill you can take for instant gratification. But if you’re willing to commit to yourself for yourself, I can promise you that it’s worth it.
If you’re ready to live a life that lights you up, if you’re ready to break the cycle of you’ve been in, if you’re ready to be your most radiant and confident self, this is your cue.
I have opened 3 spots over the next two weeks for women who are ready to clear out their limiting beliefs and start taking action to make their dreams and goals a reality. In this free session, I’ll help you identify the core limiting belief that’s kept you playing small. You’ll walk away from this session with a clear action strategy to implement to help you unravel your limiting belief and resources to support you on your journey?
What are you waiting for? Let’s make 2023 your best year yet.
Ready to feel empowered, calm and confident?
Book your free spot (only 3 available) and let me help you identify your core limiting belief, develop a clear plan of action to help you unravel it and provide you some additional resources to support you to be the empowered leader you’ve always been.