Feeling Stuck? How Your Body Can Help You Break Through with the Power of Interoception

Recently I hosted one of my usual Wine Down Wednesday events. It was a small group this time which created space for deeper connection and conversation. During the usual hot seat coaching though, I noticed something truly surprising…the level of shock that each woman experienced when I guided her to just sit with whatever feelings were coming up.

My clients are incredible go-getters. They are absolutely powerful when it comes to navigating their careers, juggling their home life and getting shit done. So it was surprising, but also not surprising, that the simple act of sitting with their feelings seemed like a foreign concept.

One of my beautiful clients actually said, “I just never thought of tuning into what’s going on inside my body when these thoughts come up.”

And is it any wonder, given that we live in a patriarchal world designed for the masculine? We’re taught to focus on the mind, and we completely forget the importance of dropping into our bodies.

The thing is - 80 percent of the communication that is happening within you - is being directed from your GUT to your MIND. Your body senses danger first, this triggers a hormonal release in your gut which is sent to your brain and instigates the thoughts.

So if you’re trying to unravel your limiting beliefs and mindset blocks…you have got to be dropping into your body. If you’re only focusing on mindset - you’re only trying to solve 20 percent of the problem.

This is the concept of interoception

Interoception is the sense that provides information about the internal state of your body. It's all about those subtle signals your body sends you, often without you even realising it. These signals can include:

  • Physical sensations: tightness in your chest when stressed, butterflies in your stomach before a big presentation, warmth after a good meal.

  • Emotions: a surge of anger, a wave of sadness, a feeling of contentment.

  • Bodily urges: hunger, thirst, needing the restroom.

Think of interoception as your body's internal GPS. It constantly feeds you information, but most of us spend our lives on autopilot, ignoring these internal cues. By learning to listen to your body's whispers, you can gain a superpower:

  • Understanding your needs and desires: Interoception can help you identify what truly brings you joy, what activities energise you, and what situations drain you.

  • Making aligned decisions: Feeling a knot in your stomach about a particular opportunity? Interoception can be a red flag that something isn't quite right.

  • Managing stress and emotions: Learn to identify the physical sensations that precede your stress triggers and use interoceptive exercises to calm your nervous system.

Even in those short 15 minute hot-seat coaching sessions the shifts my clients experienced were incredible.

As they started focusing inward, the initial surprise transformed into deeper realisations. One client realised her fears around taking a particular action in her business, were similar to experiences she had as a child being bullied.

Another recognised that her fear around money had nothing to do with money but her ability to receive.

Realisation after realisation came through their internal awareness of the energy within the tightness in their jaw, a heaviness in their chest, a bubbling in their stomach. Just by acknowledging these sensations, and sitting with it, new realisations flowed in. 

These were massive shifts happening – all because they finally allowed themselves to feel.

Remember, interoception is a skill that strengthens with practice. The more you check in with yourself, the more you'll understand your inner world and unlock the power to create a life that truly lights you up.

Let me know in the comments below what questions you have about interoception and how to get started!

This is something we explore more deeply in the pre-retreat container in the lead up to the Beltane Retreat. Book your no obligation call with me to discover more!


Beltane Retreat 2025

Join me at the upcoming Beltane Retreat. Imagine yourself surrounded by a supportive sisterhood, learning ancient rituals for manifestation, and designing a life that feels luxurious and deeply fulfilling.



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