The Gut-Brain Connection: How Chronic Stress Wreaks Havoc on Your Health (and How to Stop It)
I can never stress enough the importance of bringing it back to your body. Most of my clients have chronic health issues that seem to magically lift away as we work together because we focus on bringing it back to the body.
We’re taught, and encouraged, in our society to live in our heads, juggling a million things, pushing through stress, and sometimes forgetting to even take a toilet break!
The sheer amount of clients I work with admit they frequently forget to eat and can’t remember if they have even had a sip of water, blows my mind.
Is it any wonder so many women are suffering from chronic health issues? What you might not realise is that a lot of chronic health problems start and begin in the gut, and are linked to issues of dysregulation within your nervous system.
Your body is constantly communicating with you, but often you’re in such a state of dysregulation that you don’t know how to listen - until it’s too late.
It’s like that old saying goes, “The universe whispers until it screams, and happy people listen while the call is still quiet.”
Like my client, a single mom juggling work and family, who ignored the signs of dehydration and vertigo until it led to a hospital visit. Her body was sending signals for weeks, but chronic stress can make it hard to listen.
I know you’ve done this too, right? “I’ll go to the doctor when…” or “I just need to finish then then I’ll grab lunch…” (and it’s already 3pm)...
I see it all the time with my clients – chronic stress, digestive issues, that nagging feeling of disconnection can all be avoided with one little skill…and it’s called interoception.
Interoception is the body’s ability to assess what is happening within this vessel we inhabit. It's the ability to sense what's happening inside you – the butterflies in your stomach before a big presentation, the tightness in your chest when you're feeling anxious, even the gurgling of your digestive system telling you it’s hungry.
Chronic stress however, can inhibit your ability to assess these signals unless you consciously take time to tune in.
I know. You’ve gotten so good at pushing through that you’ve become numb, disconnected from your physical sensations and the emotions they carry. But this isn’t doing you any favours when it comes to creating a life of meaning and purpose. And this dissociation can wreak havoc on your health, especially your gut.
Your gut is one of the loudest parts of your body and it’s the centre where all the important neurochemicals are produced such as GABA, serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, acetylcholine and melatonin. These neurochemicals are responsible for cognition, mood regulation and even sleep.
And here’s where the nervous system and nervous system regulation become such a vital part of your wellbeing and healing of chronic health issues. The vagus nerve acts like a superhighway between your gut and your brain. When you’re constantly dissociated, the activity in this area can change, impacting your gut health and vice versa.
This is why interoception is a superpower I teach my clients. Here’s an example of a simple interoception exercise you can practice.
Standing still, bring your attention to your hands. Focus on how they feel, what temperature are they?
Now, place your hands on your arms. Are your arms warmer, or colder than your hands?
Now rub your hands together really fast for 30 seconds.
Stop after 30 seconds. Do your hands feel warmer or cooler than before? Touch your arms with your hands. Are your arms warmer or cooler than your hands?
Repeat steps 1-4 but at step 4 touch your face with your hands instead of your arms.
In our work together, we'll take interoception to a whole new level. We'll explore how your body's sensations connect to your emotions. This powerful link unlocks a deeper sense of self-awareness and empowers you to manage your emotions with greater ease and confidence.
We will be diving into this more deeply at the Beltane Retreat, so if you’re ready to connect more deeply with your self, book your free call with me!
Beltane Retreat 2025
Join me at the upcoming Beltane Retreat. Imagine yourself surrounded by a supportive sisterhood, learning ancient rituals for manifestation, and designing a life that feels luxurious and deeply fulfilling.