From "Good Girl" to Wild Woman: 3 Steps to Unleash Your Inner Power
For years, I wore the "good girl" mask like a second skin. I excelled in my career, always went the extra mile, and never rocked the boat. But deep down, a nagging voice kept whispering that something was missing. Boardroom battles and billable hours felt like a soul-sucking grind, a far cry from the life I truly craved.
My trip to Scotland in 2016 is what started to shift things. Saying ‘heck yes’ to moving overseas alone, when everything and everyone had valid arguments against it was the first time I truly tuned into the whispers and guidance of my own intuition.
It was the first time I dropped the mask of the compliant and biddable daughter, and allowed my inner wild woman to claim her power and place, to follow her heart.
(c) Witches Rising Photography
It triggered a deep reconnection with my spiritual practice and deeper healings of old patterns and traumas. I gained more confidence and a deeper resilience, forging my own way and learning to trust myself when I had no one else to rely on, outside of my comfort zone.
Shedding the "good girl" mask isn't about becoming reckless or irresponsible. It's about reclaiming your power, setting boundaries, and living a life that aligns with your deepest values. It's about saying "no" more often, prioritising your own well-being, and pursuing your passions with unapologetic enthusiasm.
The "good girl" mask holds us back in a myriad of ways. It keeps us saying "yes" when we want to say "no," because we’re afraid to disappoint others. It stifles our creativity and prevents us from taking risks. It makes us prioritise external validation over our own inner compass.
When you have the courage to shed this mask, you unlock a world of possibilities. You can finally pursue that creative dream you've been putting on hold. You can set healthy boundaries and attract relationships built on mutual respect. You can live a life that feels authentic, fulfilling, and wildly alive.
Here are 3 actionable steps you can take to start exploring your Good Girl triggers:
The People-Pleaser: Reflect on recent interactions where you felt the need to go above and beyond to please someone. Who were you interacting with? What did you say or do? Did you feel genuine or did it come at a personal cost? How did it make you feel afterwards (relieved, drained, resentful)?
Challenge Your Inner Critic: Recall a situation where your inner voice became overly critical, pushing you to play it safe or downplay your desires. What were you considering doing? What did your inner voice say? How did it make you feel? Now, rewrite that inner dialogue with a supportive and encouraging voice.
The "Shoulds" vs. "Wants" Inventory: Make a list of things you "should" do this week. Now, create a separate list of things you "want" to do this week. Compare the two lists. Are there any activities on the "should" list that drain your energy or don't truly align with your values? Can you delegate, reschedule, or eliminate any of these activities to create more space for things that bring you joy and fulfillment?
Ready to ditch the "good girl" mask and ignite your inner wild woman? Join me on the transformative Awaken to Your Inner Wild Woman Beltane Retreat in the magical Scottish Highlands! Click here to learn more! There’s only 8 spaces left!
Beltane Retreat 2025
Join me at the upcoming Beltane Retreat. Imagine yourself surrounded by a supportive sisterhood, learning ancient rituals for manifestation, and designing a life that feels luxurious and deeply fulfilling.