A regulated nervous system is the key to actualising your big vision, dreams and goals
Because when you show up in your life from a place of clarity and calm you become a match for your manifestations and soul purpose.

I highly recommend Amanda, as she is very aligned and full of insights to see things we cannot see and her courage to share them with us.
— Margaret Adams
But right now...
Your nervous system feels fried and your constant push for perfection has you in a state of constant anxiety (hello lack of sleep!)
You continue to pack your calendar with ALL the commitments even though you're completely exhausted because the thought of slowing down feels scary and unsafe
You're the ultimate people-pleaser and you can't bear the thought of letting anyone else down (even at the expense of your own needs)
You’re looking at everything that you’ve built and feeling like you’re the wrong piece of the puzzle in the puzzle box. Nothing fits quite right and you’re not sure of your place anymore.
You grin and bear it and continue to push through like it's a badge of honour.
And I get it.
You've been unhappy for such a long time you don't even know where to start when it comes to getting your life back on track.
But it doesn't have to be that way. You deserve a life that feels like home. A life you don’t want to escape from. You deserve to belong and feel inspired by what you’ve created, and the impact and legacy you’re manifesting.
And the best place to start is your nervous system.
Because when you know how to regulate your nervous system you can start making decisions that feel aligned. You can recognise patterns and cycles and help break them so you are responding rather than reacting. And best of all, you can start holding space for more joy, more creativity, more spaciousness and more abundance in your life.
Which means you can manifest and hold your big dreams with a feeling of safety.
Imagine instead you...
Wake every day feeling deeply connected to your authentic self and your desires and are ready to take aligned action towards manifesting those dreams
Feel powerfully aligned with your vision and purpose for your life. You know with absolute clarity what you want from your work and relationships
Understand your boundaries and feel confident to set them with love, so you can stop people-pleasing and living your life for everyone else
It's time to re-wire your nervous system and move towards your goals with calm and clarity.
Amanda brings her magic to all she does. She creates a safe space that allows powerful conversations to flow and real connections to happen.
— Sarah Thompson

The nurtured nervous system
Your 1:1 Haven to Manifest + Create Your Vision Without Burning Out
Designed for the high-performing career and business woman ready to rewire her nervous system to built an authentic, purposeful and joyful life.
In this 1:1 haven you will:
begin to understand the communication and signals your nervous system is constantly sending to you (before you reach burnout)
reconnect with your deepest desires and dreams in a way that feels deeply nurturing
begin to rewire your nervous system so you can manifest your big dreams with a feeling of safety and calm
start taking aligned action so you can manifest the life you truly desire from a place of your dreams from a place of groundedness, calm and clarity
learn to set boundaries with love so you can stop living other people’s life and expectations and start living the life YOU have always dreamed of
This is for you if:
you are ready to go beyond the limitations you thought you had and create a life beyond your wildest dreams
you want to feel nurtured, supported and safe as you create and call in your big vision for your life
you want learn how to tune into your nervous system to create a sense of safety, clarity and calm as you move through life
you are ready to step out as your authentic self, improve your relationships and live the life you’ve always dreamed of living
you’ve decided your wellbeing is a non-negotiable and you are done with putting everyone else’s needs above your own health
This is not for you if…
you are not willing to put in the work and challenge your old way of thinking
you aren’t ready to 100% commit to making the necessary changes, setting the boundaries and being uncomfortable in the process (no one said change was easy!)
you're looking for a quick fix and bandaid solutions - nervous system work takes time and commitment, there’s no magic pill
you’re not ready to experience a complete transformation in your life
The Nurtured Nervous System Method
What do you really want?
This is where you learn to reconnect with your values and get clear on your priorities and objectives. We will learn about the different archetypes and help you tap into the essence of your primary archetype so that you can have a deep sense of clarity about your triggers and needs as we move forward.
What stories do you need to release and what mindset do you need to adopt?
Learn to understand the communication of your nervous system and how to regulate yourself back into a ventral vagal state. Identify the conditioning and limiting beliefs that have kept you repeating cycles and patterns that no longer serve you.
What habits can you create to support you in this new phase of growth?
Learn how to create safety in your nervous system and how to embody the fullness of your primary archetype. Discover how to set rituals for success and learn to set healthy boundaries so that you can manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.
What do you receive when you join The Nurtured Nervous System?
12 x 1.5 hour 1:1 coaching sessions with me
Co-regulation is a vital part of rewiring your nervous system. In these 1:1 coaching sessions you have the opportunity of sharing your dreams and fears with me, so that we can work together to rewire your nervous system and create safety with this new expansion you’re desiring in your life. Using various somatic experiencing and other techniques, I will help you to create safety in your nervous system so you can manifest your desires with clarity and calm.
Access to me via WhatsApps in between our fortnightly coaching sessions
You have the opportunity to connect with me outside our coaching sessions so that I can support you to move through anything that may be coming up as you rewire your nervous system. This is your chance to share any mindset, fears and wins that you are experiencing and be gently supported and celebrated as you begin to witness the incredible transformations this work will have on your life.
3 channeled messages and card readings
At the beginning, middle and end of this 6 month coaching container, you will receive guided and channeled messages to help you navigate the energies that are flowing through.
Individualised guided meditation
We will record an individualised guided meditation for specifically tailored to you and your desires, which you can use every day to tap into the energy of your manifestation and dreams, feeling safe and supported.
A number of other resources
Including somatic experiencing exercises, meditations, journaling prompts, Archetype quiz, questionnaires and planners to help support you as you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams!
Amanda's knowledge about the nervous system and aligning emotions is second to none. She was able to see and sense when I was in a particular state and help me to identify how I was feeling and to bring myself back to calmness.
- Sarah
I'm Amanda and I help high-performing career and business women regulate their nervous system.
With almost 15 years working in male-dominated fields in the corporate sector, first as a corporate lawyer and then as a sustainability expert, I’ve been on the burnout cycle - twice! There’s an easier way to create and manifest, when you understand your nervous system and what your body is constantly communicating with you.
As someone living with c-PTSD (complex trauma) I know how transformative and powerful nervous system work can be. I’m passionate about helping incredible women like you create a life that lights you up without burning you out by helping you reconnect and rewire your nervous system.
A qualified meditation and mindfulness teacher and Reiki-healer, along with lived experience and training in somatic and embodiment techniques for nervous system regulation, I combine practical guidance with feminine spirituality to provide you with holistic solutions to everyday problems.
Amanda is an author and has been featured on Elephant Journal and Tiny Buddha.
Working with a Amanda was a much needed intervention for my burned-out and overwhelmed self. She has a lovely, focused and intuitive approach to working with the whole person, and I felt seen and heard.
- Susan
What will you actually pay for 6 months of support to rewire your nervous system so you can actualised your big dreams, goals and visions feeling calm and regulated?
The price is $5,100AUD or 6 monthly payments of $855AUD.
You can choose to pay in AUD. The investment is $3300USD or 6 monthly instalments of $560USD.
Pay in USD
Select to pay in full $3300USD or via a payment plan option of $560USD a month for 6 months
Pay is AUD
Select to pay in full $5100AUD or via payment plan option of 855AUD per month for 6 months.
Haven’t hit that sign up button yet, but still reading?
I totally get it. Investing in yourself can feel like a stretch. Especially if you’re in the habit of prioritising everyone else first.
I felt exactly the same when I first started getting support to rewire my nervous system. Because all the free Masterclasses and Seminars are great for your mind, but don’t provide the nurturing your nervous system needs to regulate and rewire.
As uncomfortable as it was to make the investment, especially as I had just come back from the UK broke after 9 months of unemployment (thanks COVID), I know I would never have transformed my life the way I have if I hadn’t invested in the support I knew I needed. When you say YES to yourself, even when it feels uncomfortable, that’s where the magic starts to seeds.
For me, I had to trust myself and fully commit to stop living a life limited by a nervous system that was geared to protect me from the very things I desired - success, connection and abundance. I invite you to give yourself that same level of trust and know that you deserve to live a life beyond your wildest dreams.
Ask yourself this: What am I truly willing to let go of in order to manifest the life that I deeply desire?
If you have questions then I’m here for you. Just shoot me an email or send me a DM on Instagram and I’ll respond within 24 hours Monday – Friday.
It’s easy to get stuck in procrastination and find yourself repeating the same patterns 2 month, a year or 3 years later. If you’re truly ready to learn to shift your old patterns and let go of what’s no longer serving you - hit the contact button below and jump onto a free call with me. We can discuss whether this program is truly the right fit for you.
Got questions? I’ve got answers!
There are two types of trauma, trauma with a Big T and trauma with a little t.
Trauma with a little t refers to any event or ongoing situation that causes distress, fear, and a sense of helplessness may qualify as little t trauma. This could include a hard breakup, feelings of rejection and abandonment, challenging friendships (bullying), loss of job or financial worry, not having your emotional needs met. These are the ‘traumas’ we can work with in these sessions.
Trauma with a Big T includes sexual assault, war, natural disasters, violent crimes, a school shooting, or a serious car accident. If you have experienced any of these, I highly recommend you work with a qualified and registered psychologist who specialises in Trauma Therapy. I do not work with Trauma with a Big T.
Your nervous system is unique, and no two nervous systems are alike. What works for you won’t necessarily work in the same way with someone else. It also takes time to build trust and safety to co-regulate and from there the work starts on rewiring. You can’t rush nervous system work. It’s kind of like going to the gym. If you haven’t been exercising and suddenly start hitting the gym hard every day, twice a day, the impact is going to be detrimental to your body and not sustainable in the long term. Working with the nervous system is a process and not something I will rush.
Once you book, I’ll be in touch and we can set up a regular date and time that works for us!
Because I work globally, I offer my sessions online via Zoom.
I’d be really surprised if this happens. I’ve poured my heart and soul into creating this container to help you feel nurtured, centered and grounded as you manifest your dream life. I KNOW this work works, I’m living proof of it. I do not offer refunds for this series – I fully stand behind all the incredible value within this package and I’m 110% in to nurture and support you to rewire your nervous system. You also need to be 110% committed to making the changes you need.
The short answer is: No, I cannot guarantee your results - because YOU need to do the work, put in the effort and show up for yourself even when it’s challenging, feels sticky and looks messy.
There is no quick fix for your nervous system, no magic pill to take to undo the years of conditioning that has gotten you where you are.
Sometimes you’ll see massive shifts, sometimes the results take longer - it all depends on what’s happening within YOUR nervous system.
What I can guarantee is that I will show up for you and support you through the mess. What you learn through this will be information you can take through the rest of your life.
Absolutely! I want to make this as accessible to you as possible because I know how important this work is and how transformative it has been for me. You can pay in 6 monthly instalments, and you can choose whether to pay in USD or AUD.
I have a Bachelor of Law from Murdoch University and a Master of Science, Sustainability Management from Curtin University, Western Australia. I have over 15 years experience working in the corporate sector, both in Australia and the UK. I’ve spent the last 5 years in the executive suite, mentoring and managing large teams. My most recent role is as Associate Director of a large multi-national consultancy.
I’m also a certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher, Reiki II practitioner and Crystal and Metaphysical Healer.
Outside of my lived-experience with complex trauma (c-PTSD) and my personal healing journey, I have undertaken a number of courses through NICABM and PESI AU.
Follow me on instagram @theamandalouisa
© Amanda Louisa 2022. All rights reserved. Website created by Joanne Tapodi Creative.